On incurable death
Cinema, Literature, Death, Theater, HumanismAbstract
Death is incurable. It precedes, transcends and overcomes any possibility of cure. Medicine cures, but leaves man's fundamental event, his death, without cure. After a lifetime of treatment, everyone dies, even those who have used all kinds of treatments, so as not to die. Molecules, surgery, nuclear medicine, technology is not and will never be adequate for death. What can be appropriate for death? Not the escape, but the awareness of its existence, in every minute of the short earthly passage. But how? Man has always used artistic expression, not science, as a way of seeing death. Literature, cinema, theater are human inventions that go through death, and in this article we expose some artistic productions that cure our existence from the "Incurable".
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Accepted 2020-11-01
Published 2020-12-07