GCND | to safeguard the wellbeing of our planet

I lavori pubblicati sulla nostra testata contribuiscono a ridurre l'impatto di CO2 sul pianeta partecipando a due progetti di riforestazione realizzati da Up2You!

Involving the medical profession in the safeguard of our planet
The recent COVID 19 pandemic is a dramatic sign of the need to change our ways in order to save the planet.  Giornale di Clinica Nefrologica e Dialisi takes an active part sharing views and opinions from medical professionals to safeguard the planet, and subsequently, our health. This is where we must start to ensure a better future for us and for our patients.

Selected contents

The doctor’s role in the holistic vision of health
Aurora Pianigiani, Francesco Romizi

ANTHROPOCENE: the “health” of the global village and the black swan
Alessandro Capitanini

Se tutti gli uomini sono responsabili per l’ambiente, i medici lo sono due volte”. Il pensiero dell’International Society of Doctors for Environment – ISDE
Roberto Romizi (President of the Association Doctors for the Environment  – ISDE Italia, Arezzo - Italy)

Marco Lombardi

Marco Lombardi, Franco Bergesio
The future of everything (in Italian)
Marco Lombardi, Editor in Chief

Give the planet a chance if we want our patients to have a future (in English and Italian)
Franco Bergesio et al.
The authors are  deeply indebted to Mrs Joanna Arkell for her precious assistance as language consultant.

Survey report June 30, 2020
Franco Bergesio

Coronavirus and environment: a challenge for the planet and the health
Cristiano Magnaghi, Elena Brioni, Donato Leopaldi, Marisa Pegoraro, Giuseppe Vezzoli, Paolo Manunta, Maria Teresa Parisotto

Hemodialysis and environmental sustainability
Elena Mancini