Innovation Governance: Digital Health, Mobile Health, Big Data, Virtual Reality
Augmented Reality, Big Data, Digital Health, HTA, Mobile technology, Virtual RealityAbstract
The introduction of modern Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) was one of the most remarkable innovations of recent decades. ICT brings with it a remarkable technological background that conveys all kinds of information and multimedia content with a significant change in human-technology interaction and significant implications also in the health sector. The constant process of digitization is increasingly affecting national health systems (SSN) and they turn out to be influenced by the process itself, where the literature shows itself in favor of the use of technologies in health, improving their effectiveness and efficiency. These include eHealth, Telemedicine, Electronic Health File, Big Data, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, ePrescription. The technologies allow, even remotely, to have an always active and direct contact, between the various professionals, and between professionals and users, and are also useful for the training of both healthcare professionals and users themselves. The use of technology in the healthcare sector should therefore be encouraged as it allows direct contacts between users and healthcare personnel, speed and correlation of data analysis, tracking, time and cost savings, reduction of errors and a positive environmental impact with a reduction in the use of printed paper. For all the points listed, the technological revolution in hospital and territorial care can no longer be postponed.
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Accepted 2021-03-18
Published 2021-04-14