Evolution of scientific research in human biology. Have we reached a point where we have to stop and reflect?


  • Antonio Barracca Medico, specialista in Nefrologia e Urologia, Cagliari, Italy
  • Patrizia Francesca Patricelli Medico, specialista in Nefrologia, Centro Dialisi, Ospedale SS. Trinità, ASSL, Cagliari, Italy
  • Maria Rinaldi Milani Esperta in Web e Digital Marketing in Sanità
  • Giuseppe Quintaliani Segretario Fondazione italiana del Rene. Editor www.renalgate.it




Scientific research, DNA, Human genome, Genetic editing, CRISP /Cas9


No one wants to question the scientific method, which is the method science uses to proceed and expand our knowledge of the reality. However, we can ask ourselves if scientific research has limits that we cannot overcome? In 1942, Julius Robert Oppenheimer, who ran the Manhattan project to develop the first atomic bomb, was the first to understand that the limits should not be overcome in scientific research. With the discovery of the molecular structure of the nucleic acid, and its meaning in the transmission of information in living beings, we have entered the knowledge of the "mysteries" of life. We have learned to read DNA, to write it and to modify it, cutting defective parts with the CRISPR/Cas9 technique. With genetic editing we can not only avoid many diseases, but also modify the DNA sequence in future generations. Have we reached a point where we must stop? Perhaps we must begin to consider that science must progress together with philosophical and ethical thought in the interest of the community. (Clinical_Management)


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How to Cite

Barracca, A., Patricelli, P. F., Milani, M. R., & Quintaliani, G. (2019). Evolution of scientific research in human biology. Have we reached a point where we have to stop and reflect?. Giornale Di Clinica Nefrologica E Dialisi, 31(1), 37–39. https://doi.org/10.33393/gcnd.2019.497



Clinical management and social media
