2016 will be full of activities for you and with you
Luisa Sternfeld Pavia
Voice of the patients: GPs, keep up with polycystic kidney disease!
ADPKD and ESRD: Established Data and Still Open Questions. A Diagnostic-Therapeutic and Qol Upgrade
Fedele Lasaponara
Negated Tolgaptan. AIRP's engagement against Aifa's decision
Luisa Sternfeld Pavia
Voice of the patients: confusion on disability, but there are some solutions…
New options for the management of polycystic kidney disease
Domenico Santoro, Vincenzo Pellicanò, Luca Visconti, Viviana Lacava, CarloAlberto Ricciardi, Antonio Lacquaniti, Valeria Cernaro, Michele Buemi
From Senate to Acquario: AIRP never stops
Luisa Sternfeld Pavia
Voice of the patients: we support each other. And doctors? Why are they silent?
Voice of the patients: to be in dialysis, very demanding, but with precious relations
Does a polycystic kidney disease patient qualify for health benefits?
Luisa Sternfeld Pavia
Validation of the Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease Molecular Diagnosis by Next Generation Sequencing technology
Francesca Ferrari, Silvana Tedeschi, Roberta Cerutti, Piergiorgio Messa, Manuela Seia
Let's punch this disease while the future starts
Luisa Sternfeld Pavia
Tolvaptan is still on hold but we are not just sitting and waiting!
Luisa Pavia Sternfeld
Voice of the patients: Yoga, pilates or cyclette? Come on, let's move!