AIRP red bracelets "made with love" to support research
Luisa Sternfeld Pavia
Voice of the patients: When disease hits your children. Anxiety, hope, solidarity
Translating Science into Political Strategies to Improve the care of ADPKD patients in Europe
Luisa Sternfeld Pavia
Polycystic kidney and AIRP Onlus
Luisa Sternfeld Pavia
Dialysis and dry skin: reflections and remedies
Stefania Motta
A 10 years long history and fight
Luisa Sternfeld Pavia
Voice of the patients: are ADPKD patients monitored?
Kidney transplant recipients and sun exposure
Stefania Motta
Physical Activity in ADPKD and CKD Patient
Filippo Aucella
19th September 2015, 10 years of AIRP. A firm point and new perspectives full of hope
Luisa Sternfeld Pavia