The AIRP tulip Nerazzurri for a day
Luisa Sternfeld Pavia
Voice of the patients: let's laugh seriously
Mediterranean Diet for Patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease
Maria Rosaria Rossetti, Giuseppe Dalfino, Deni Aldo Procaccini, Loreto Gesualdo
Meeting the summer with videos, concerts and a Grand Gala
Luisa Sternfeld Pavia
Voice of the patients: Having children? Risks and Hopes
Defects of Glucose Metabolism in Polycystic Kidney Disease: First Studies and Future Perspectives
Isaline Rowe, Marco Chiaravalli, Alessandra Boletta
AIRP publishes two books on polycystic kidney disease
Luisa Sternfeld Pavia
Voice of the patients: For or Against transplant? the question is Transplant how?
Research Today
Riccardo Magistroni
2013: a hectic year… and we are ready for 2014!
Luisa Sternfeld Pavia
Voice of the patients: when the time comes to "Do the Fistula" and the "Ole" become sad
Polycystic Kidney Disease: The Importance of the General Practitioner. The Promise of AIRP during XXX SIMG Congress
Irene Niccolini