Dialysis and quality of life: a survey at the Rimini dialysis center


  • Marina Sgreccia Coordinatore Infermieristico Dialisi, U.O. Nefrologia e Dialisi, Ospedale degli Infermi - Rimini, Azienda USL della Romagna, Rimini
  • Laura Capicchioni Studentessa Corso di Laurea Infermieristica Università di Bologna Campus di Rimini, Rimini
  • Ester Chierighini Infermiera Referente, Ambulatorio Dialisi Peritoneale U.O. Nefrologia e Dialisi, Ospedale degli Infermi - Rimini, Azienda USL della Romagna, Rimini
  • Roberto Boccadoro Medico Nefrologo U.O. Nefrologia e Dialisi, Ospedale degli Infermi - Rimini, Azienda USL della Romagna, Rimini




Hemodialysis, Peritoneal dialysis, Health-related quality of life


The concept of quality of life includes several aspects of the physical and psychological status. In a medical setting the evaluation of health-related quality of life comprises physiopathological and clinical aspects, as well as patient well-being and functioning. The aims of this study were to carry out an updated evaluation of the health status and quality of life of chronic hemodialysis patients and compare these with peritoneal dialysis patients at the ASL Rimini Dialysis Department. The final purpose is to obtain data comparable with other studies or other populations, and to identify possible actions or interventions. (nursing)


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How to Cite

Sgreccia, M., Capicchioni, L., Chierighini, E., & Boccadoro, R. (2015). Dialysis and quality of life: a survey at the Rimini dialysis center. Giornale Di Clinica Nefrologica E Dialisi, 27(1), 15–22. https://doi.org/10.33393/gcnd.2015.780



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