Vijay Kothari

Dr. Vijay Kothari (ORCID | Scopus Author ID | ResearchGate | ReviewerCredits

Institute of Science, Nirma University - India

Vijay Kothari, a microbiologist, has a vast experience in Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR). His research interests also include microbial response to sonic stimulation and  validation of traditional medicine. He has published more than 70 papers and book chapters, edited 2 books, and has recently been acting as Guest Editor for a focus on AMR for this journal. Subsequently, Dr Kothari has accepted to be Section Editor for a section dedicated to Antimicrobial Resistance. He is a member of 16 different professional bodies, and delivered over 25 conference talks.

Dr. Kothari has demonstrated his commitment to advancing knowledge and innovation through active engagement as an author, reviewer, and editor. He is recipient of the Sentinel of Science award (2016) from Publons, and AIMS (Artificial Intelligence Molecular Screen) award from Atomwise Inc., USA.  His work has enjoyed wide readership (>276,000 downloads from ResearchGate, and top-ranking of some of his articles by Altmetric). More details can be accessed at: Google Scholar |  LinkedIn | Web of Science


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