Microbial Infections and Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)

Call for papers

Section Editor for Antimicrobial Resistance
Dr. Vijay Kothari, Nirma University - India
(ORCID | Scopus Author ID | ResearchGate | ReviewerCredits | About the Editor)


AMR has been widely recognized as a global threat to public health with severe socioeconomic impact. This section of DTI dedicated to Microbial Infections and Antimicrobial Resistance intends to showcase articles on microbial infections, with particular emphasis on antibiotic-resistant pathogens. Articles on topics listed below are welcome for submission:

  • The antimicrobial resistant infections caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and helminths
  • Mechanisms of antimicrobial resistance
  • Identification and validation of novel molecular and cellular targets among pathogens
  • Discovery and development of new antibiotics and anti-virulence agents
  • AMR surveillance data from various countries
  • Development of effective diagnostics for antibiotic-resistant infections
  • New protocols for AMR research
  • Clinical relevance of microbial biofilms
  • Host-pathogen interactions and mechanisms of pathogenesis (specially in Priority Pathogens)
  • Traditional Medicine in combating resistant infections
  • Vaccine development against various microbial infections
  • Evolution of pathogenicity, virulence, and antibiotic resistance
  • Correlation of microbial infections with lifestyle disorders and microbiome composition

Article type
Short communication; Full research paper; Mini-review; Full-length review paper

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Impact Factor 2022: 2.7
Scimago - Journal & Country Rank
Web of Science - Master Journal List
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