About the Journal

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Aims and scope

Drug Target Insights (DTI) is an international, indexed, peer-reviewed, open access, online only journal, published once a year. It covers current developments in all areas of the field of clinical therapeutics, focusing on molecular drug targets which include disease-specific proteins, receptors, enzymes, and genes. The journal seeks to elucidate the impact of new therapeutic agents on patient acceptability, preference, satisfaction and quality of life and welcomes unsolicited article proposals. All articles are listed on PubMed and are freely available via PubMed Central.

DTI features two monothematic sections (Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and Phytotherapeutics and natural products), each guided by an dedicated and experienced editor.

The antimicrobial section considering contributions dedicated to the antimicrobial resistant infections caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and helminths, mechanisms of antimicrobial resistance, identification and validation of novel molecular and cellular targets among pathogens and other relevant topics.

The phytotherapeutics and natural products section focuses on the health-promoting effects of natural products and phytotherapeutics as promising agents in the prevention and treatment of communicable and non-communicable diseases. Both preclinical (in vitro/in vivo) and clinical (in humans) studies are considered.

Drug Target Insights adopts a single anonymized peer-review process, which means that reviewer identity is not made visible to authors, author identity is visible to reviewers, reviewer and author identity are visible to the editors.Full details on the peer review process and editorial policies can be found here.

DTI publishes new articles as soon as they receive final approval from the authors and are assigned page numbers (online first, as customary now for scientific journals) and then collected in an issue, to guarantee rapid publication times and a timely content availability for its indexing databases. Authors retain the copyright of their article published in Drug Target Insights are free to reproduce and disseminate their work. Full details can be found here.

Articles published by DTI are made freely and permanently accessible online immediately upon publication, without subscription charges or registration barriers. Full information on the open access policy can be found here.

All of this journal content is archived in Portico, which provides permanent archiving for electronic scholarly journals.