Optimization in the HIV treatment: economic and organizational impact analysis of Bictegravir/Emtricitabine/Tenofovir Alafenamide


  • Lucrezia Ferrario HD LAB - Healthcare Datascience LAB, LIUC - Università Cattaneo, Castellanza (VA) - Italy and LIUC Business School, LIUC - Università Cattaneo, Castellanza (VA) - Italy https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8561-898X
  • Barbara Menzaghi U.O. di Malattie Infettive, ASST Valle Olona, Busto Arsizio (VA) - Italy
  • Giuliano Rizzardini U.O. di Malattie Infettive, ASST Fatebenefratelli Sacco, Milano - Italy
  • Alessandro Roccia Gilead Sciences SRL, Milano - Italy
  • Elisabetta Garagiola HD LAB - Healthcare Datascience LAB, LIUC - Università Cattaneo, Castellanza (VA) - Italy and LIUC Business School, LIUC - Università Cattaneo, Castellanza (VA) - Italy
  • Daniele Bellavia HD LAB - Healthcare Datascience LAB, LIUC - Università Cattaneo, Castellanza (VA) - Italy and LIUC Business School, LIUC - Università Cattaneo, Castellanza (VA) - Italy
  • Fabrizio Schettini HD LAB - Healthcare Datascience LAB, LIUC - Università Cattaneo, Castellanza (VA) - Italy and LIUC Business School, LIUC - Università Cattaneo, Castellanza (VA) - Italy
  • Emanuela Foglia HD LAB - Healthcare Datascience LAB, LIUC - Università Cattaneo, Castellanza (VA) - Italy and LIUC Business School, LIUC - Università Cattaneo, Castellanza (VA) - Italy




BIC/FTC/TAF, Budget Impact Analysis, HIV, Italian setting, Organizational impact


Introduction: Given the availability of a growing number of HIV treatment options, it becomes essential to have a clear understanding of the related economic-organizational evidence, to operate informed and conscious choices. The study aims to define the economic and organizational impact related to a consolidated use of Bictegravir/Emtricitabine/Tenofovir Alafenamide (BIC/FTC/TAF), within the Italian National Healthcare Service (NHS), for the treatment of both naïve and experienced HIV individuals.

Materials and methods: A budget impact analysis was developed assuming the NHS perspective and considering a 36-month time horizon. Scenario A, representative of the current situation of consumption of the different therapeutic alternatives (derived from the most update guidelines), was compared with Scenario B, assuming a greater adoption of BIC/FTC/TAF. An organizational impact analysis was conducted to define any advantages for hospitals, devoted to the management of any ART-related adverse events.

Results: The BIA revealed an economic saving of 0.97% (26,040,271.36 €) given a higher penetration rate for BIC/FTC/TAF, for the treatment of HIV individuals assuming ART in Italy. From an organizational perspective, a greater BIC/FTC/TAF administration would generate a reduction in the overall hospital accesses devoted to the management of adverse events, generating an overall saving of 245,938 hours, considering the time spent by the healthcare professionals involved in the care and treatment of individuals with HIV.

Conclusions: BIC/FTC/TAF represent an interesting possibility for the rapid initiation of ART, as well as for switches, being able to optimize the clinical pathway of a patient with HIV, from an economic and organizational perspective.


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How to Cite

Ferrario, L., Menzaghi, B., Rizzardini, G., Roccia, A., Garagiola, E., Bellavia, D., Schettini, F., & Foglia, E. (2025). Optimization in the HIV treatment: economic and organizational impact analysis of Bictegravir/Emtricitabine/Tenofovir Alafenamide. Global and Regional Health Technology Assessment, 12(1), 49–60. https://doi.org/10.33393/grhta.2025.3292



Original Research Articles


Received 2024-09-06
Accepted 2025-02-03
Published 2025-02-26


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