Orphan drugs in Italy: availability and time-to-access at regional level
Access, Availability, Italian Medicines Agency, Orphan drugs, Rare disease, TimeAbstract
Introduction: There are an estimated 26 million rare disease patients in Europe, about 2 million in Italy. Access to orphan drugs has been evaluated nationally and internationally, and delays have been observed due to evaluation of price and therapeutic value. The objectives of this study are: to assess the availability of EMA-authorized orphan drugs at national and regional level; to study time trends and regional variability in consumption and spending, and to estimate the time to access in Italian regions.
Methods: We evaluate the availability of EMA authorized orphan drugs in Italy. Based on data from the Traceability of medicines dataflow for period 2016-2021 we evaluate the expenditure, consumption and availability of orphan drugs in each region. To estimate the time to access we consider the days between the end of negotiation procedure and the first purchase by regions.
Results: In 2021 in Italy are available 94% of EMA authorized orphan drugs. The expenditure and consumption have grown during the last decade. The availability is higher in bigger regions, that also take care of patients from smaller regions. The pro capite expenditure and consumption in DDD/1,000 ab die is similar in all the geographic area. Time to regional access is on average 123 days, that grows to 224 excluding the orphan drugs dispensed before the end of reimbursement procedure.
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Accepted 2023-11-17
Published 2023-12-28