Clinical and economic burden of peristomal skin complications: Activity Based Costing analysis
complicanze cutanee peristomali, stomia, Activity-based costingAbstract
Introduction: An ostomy is a procedure in which an opening is made in the abdominal wall to establish a communication between the intestinal or urinary system and the external environment. Peristomal skin complications pose a constant challenge for the majority of individuals with a stoma, as they represent the most common postoperative complication. The aim of this study was to develop an economic evaluation model for assessing the costs associated with peristomal skin complications.
Methods: In order to identify these costs, a survey was conducted in collaboration with the Coloplast Ostomy Forum group with the aim of mapping and documenting the timelines and all activities in the management of these complications. The data obtained from the survey were subsequently analyzed using the Activity Based Costing methodology.
Results: The results of this analysis clearly indicate that the expenditure for initial visits is higher compared to subsequent ones, and that severe peristomal skin complications impose a greater economic burden than less severe complications. Specifically, the average total cost for managing severe peristomal skin complications amounts to € 104.6.
Conclusion: This kind of analysis could provide support to decision-makers in dealing with a more accurate estimate of costs related to healthcare processes, aiming to implement rates able to “cover” the overall cost of certain healthcare activities. Specifically, there is currently no specific rate aimed at defining the value associated with the care and management of this type of complication, so this study confirms that this is an economic challenge that the National Health Service must address.
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Accepted 2023-12-06
Published 2024-01-23