Distribution methods of ostomy and incontinence aids in the Italian healthcare setting: an evaluation questionnaire and social burden of direct distribution
Economic evaluation, Home distribution of medical devices, Ostomy, Self-catheterization, Spinal cord injuryAbstract
Background: The distribution of ostomy and incontinence devices takes place through different modalities according to the regional provisions in force. A first possibility is represented by direct distribution by the local health authorities. A second possibility consists of indirect distribution through affiliated retailers, typically pharmacies and authorized retailers of medical devices. A third form of distribution concerns home distribution.
Methods: A survey has been administered to patients’ associations in order to investigate the degree of patients’ satisfaction with the distribution methods of medical devices necessary for the conditions associated with ostomy and incontinence and to provide an estimate of the indirect costs associated with distribution methods in the Italian healthcare context through the development of a budget impact model.
Results: The distribution methods associated with a greater degree of satisfaction seem to be indirect and home distribution. Regarding the results of the budget impact mode, in our simulation, a diffusion of home distribution compared to direct and indirect distribution could lead to savings equal to 2,479,519 € over the three-year time horizon considered.
Conclusion: The analysis conducted demonstrates how an increase in home distribution in the context of devices associated with people with ostomy or who practice self-catheterization can be associated with resource savings for the entire society (indirect costs avoided). The survey also demonstrates how this distribution method is associated with a good degree of satisfaction on the part of the users who use it.
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Accepted 2022-02-03
Published 2022-03-01