Value generated by the multiplier effect of investments by the pharmaceutical industry in Italy: proposals to promote competitiveness and attractiveness
Early Access, HTA, Next Generation EU, Pharma industry, Pharma policies, PNRR, R&DAbstract
Pharmaceutical industry investments in Italy must be supported with a reform process that promotes simplifications to generate an attractive ecosystem that can enhance innovation. Key actions include facilitating the start-up of clinical trials, promoting public-private partnerships to support technology transfer, integrating data infrastructures to overcome the logic of silos, expanding programs for prevention and early identification of diseases, simultaneous reimbursement for therapy and diagnostic testing, and launching a structural program for early access to therapies.
The total contribution of the sector in the last 10 years to the Italian economy was € 315 bn. Looking at employment (67 thousand people employed in the sector in 2020), it is possible to estimate about 280 thousand jobs activated in Italy just in 2020.
An Altems study quantified a leverage effect of 2.77 in terms of benefits to the Italian NHS from direct investment in clinical research, which means that for every € 1 invested by companies in clinical trials, € 1.77 of additional savings were generated for the NHS. Applying the multiplier on R&D investments of the entire pharmaceutical sector in 2020 (€ 1.6 bn), we could estimate approximately € 4.4 bn in benefits for the NHS. In addition to these benefits there are the noneconomic benefits of clinical research, including early access for patients to innovative therapies, resulting in improved clinical outcomes and quality of life for patients and caregivers in general.
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Accepted 2022-09-02
Published 2022-10-05