Cardiovascular risk and increased plasma LDL cholesterol concentration: the role of the Regional Health Service

Il rischio cardiovascolare e la concentrazione plasmatica del colesterolo LDL: il ruolo dei Servizi Sanitari Regionali


  • Patrizia Berto Senior Consultant, Laser Analytica, Verona - Italy
  • Claudio Bilato Direttore U.O.C. di Cardiologia, Ospedale di Arzignano, Arzignano (VI) - Italy
  • Enzo Bonora Professore Ordinario di Endocrinologia, Università degli Studi di Verona, Verona - Italy
  • Umberto De Conto Presidente Sezione Treviso, SIMG, Treviso - Italy
  • Maria Stella Graziani SIBIOC, Società Italiana di Biochimica Clinica e Biologia Molecolare Clinica, Verona - Italy
  • Paolo Pauletto Professore Ordinario di Medicina Interna, Università degli Studi di Padova - Ulss n. 9, Treviso - Italy
  • Roberto Vettor Responsabile Unità Operativa Clinica Medica, Azienda Ospedaliera-Università di Padova, Padova - Italy
  • Alberto Zambon Professore Associato Università di Padova, Scuola di Medicina e Chirurgia, Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche e Chirurgiche, Clinica Medica 1a, Padova - Italy



CV risk, Familial hypercholesterolemia, Hypercholesterolemia


The relevance of hypercholesterolemia, as a risk factor for cardiovascular (CV) disease, requires urgent actions to detect and assist high-risk citizens/patients, thus reducing and/or avoiding future complications. This goal could be achieved through more widespread awareness of the problem within the Health System of the Veneto Region, joint efforts between clinical laboratories and clinicians in transmitting and interpreting informative laboratory reports, and deeper integration of hospital and community health services. Data from recent studies, recommendations of scientific societies and political-institutional guidelines helped in determining the number of patients in the Veneto Region, which may be suffering from clinical or biochemical conditions that impact on CV risk. These include hypercholesterolemia, which is particularly addressed in this paper, with special emphasis on FH (familial hypercholesterolemia), a chronic disease associated with very high CV risk.


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How to Cite

Berto, P., Bilato, C., Bonora, E., De Conto, U., Graziani, M. S., Pauletto, P., Vettor, R., & Zambon, A. (2017). Cardiovascular risk and increased plasma LDL cholesterol concentration: the role of the Regional Health Service: Il rischio cardiovascolare e la concentrazione plasmatica del colesterolo LDL: il ruolo dei Servizi Sanitari Regionali. Global and Regional Health Technology Assessment, 4(1), 44–46.


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