The role of the hospital pharmacist to guarantee access and continuity of care for the management of epilepsy


  • Marcello Pani Hospital Pharmacy, Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli, Rome; National Secretary of Italian Society of Hospital Pharmacy (SIFO), Rome - Italy



Epilepsy, Deprescribing, Hospital Pharmacists, Management, Multidisciplinary, Novel Drug Distribution, Pharmacovigilance


In this article the pivotal role of hospital pharmacists in the multidisciplinary management of epilepsy is discussed. Hospital pharmacists are members of national and local ethics committees, oversee clinical trials, and ensure adherence to regulations for patient access to novel therapeutic treatments. They actively contribute to regulatory processes and the definition of prescribing centers. In the post-launch phase, hospital pharmacists are a key member in the multidisciplinary team, they are involved in decisions relating to the local introduction of drugs, in the management of the drug within the hospital structure and with the direct distribution, and to ensure proper and timely treatment. The pharmacovigilance network, including hospital and community pharmacists, monitors and prevents adverse effects related to epilepsy medications and enhances a collaborative approach with specialists to promote prescription appropriateness, targeting therapy for better patient outcomes. Finally, the potential benefits of deprescribing are briefly discussed, underscoring the importance of a multidisciplinary approach involving doctors and clinical pharmacists to gather comprehensive data and enhance patient care in epilepsy management.


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How to Cite

Pani, M. (2024). The role of the hospital pharmacist to guarantee access and continuity of care for the management of epilepsy. Global and Regional Health Technology Assessment, 11(Suppl. 1), 8–10.


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