Long-term management of the patient at risk: outpatient clinic and hospital, role and synergies


  • Giovanni Battista Zito Presidente Nazionale A.R.C.A. (Associazioni Regionali Cardiologi Ambulatoriali), Roma - Italy




Acute coronary syndrome, Cardiovascular diseases, Outpatient clinics, Risk factors, Secondary prevention, Synergy


Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are the main cause of death worldwide. In particular, ischemic heart disease is associated with increased mortality risk and decreased quality of life. Population aging is going to increase the overall prevalence of cardiovascular diseases, which is strictly age-related, with a growing economic burden on health systems and society. Effective intervention strategies to control modifiable risk factors for cardiovascular diseases and thereby to reduce the incidence of new events are crucial to limit the huge impact of such diseases on health and quality of life. A strict collaboration between hospitals, where acute events are managed, and outpatient clinics, where patients are followed in the long-term, is the starting point to optimize treatment and secondary prevention, improving adherence to therapy and patient satisfaction.


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How to Cite

Zito, G. B. (2022). Long-term management of the patient at risk: outpatient clinic and hospital, role and synergies. Global and Regional Health Technology Assessment, 9(Suppl. 1), 14–16. https://doi.org/10.33393/grhta.2022.2390
Received 2022-03-01
Accepted 2022-03-24
Published 2022-05-24
