Call for papers | Digital health

Eugenio Santoro

Eugenio Santoro (BioORCID | ResearcherIDScopus AuthorID | About the Editor)
Section Editor for Digital Health


Digital health and digital medicine are becoming crucial in healthcare. New tools are continuously developed. Some of them are evaluated through clinical research, evidence based medicine and health technology assessment methodology. Other are used to digitalize clinical trials. Both development and clinical research are essential for ensuring credibility, safety end efficacy of these tools. We invite contributions exploring different approaches in digital technology use and evaluation and sharing experiences from different countries.

Potential topics

Manuscripts submitted may cover any of the following topics:

Digital health
Digital medicine
Digital therapeutics
Artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies
Virtual healthcare
Healthcare systems engineering
Digital clinical trials
Wearable technology

Article type

Short communication; Full research paper; Mini-review; Full-length review paper

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