Call for papers | Diabetology

Basilio Pintaudi

Basilio Pintaudi (BioORCID | Scopus AuthorID)
Section Editor for Diabetology


The Diabetology section of AboutOpen aims to evaluate original contributions presenting innovative and modern research trends for the treatment of diabetes. All authors are welcome to submit contributions relating to the various types of diabetes, focusing on an in-depth investigation of relevant aspects concerning the areas of prevention, diagnosis and treatment. Furthermore, specific insights into psycho-social and economic aspects will be welcome. Additionally, scientific contributions from drug or medical device companies are welcome, especially addressing new products or drugs developed and recently introduced in the market. Finally, scientific societies and patient associations will be able to present significant contributions.

Potential topics

Type 1 diabetes
Type 2 diabetes
Gestational diabetes
Pharmacological treatment
Clinical guidelines

Article type

Short communication; Full research paper; Mini-review; Full-length review paper

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