First experiences of using the Dexcom ONE CGM system: results from a national survey on the perception of early adopters


  • Andrea Boaretto Personalive, Milano - Italy
  • Dario Pitocco Direttore UOSD di diabetologia Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli – Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore , Roma - Italy image/svg+xml



Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM), Diabetes mellitus, Early adopters, Usability


Introduction: The availability of increasingly accurate and high-performing Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) systems today allows for the adoption of selection criteria based not only on clinical profiles but also on the preferences of people with diabetes.

Methods: The “Dexcom ONE Experience” study aimed to investigate the initial user experiences with the Dexcom ONE CGM system in the real lives of people with diabetes undergoing insulin therapy, specifically early adopters (i.e., patients who first in Italy adopted Dexcom ONE CGM who have used the device for at least 30 days). Empirical evidence was collected, focusing primarily on usability, satisfaction, and impact on quality of life (QoL) of the system, through an online survey. All survey participants were insulin-treated patients, as indicated by CGM device recommendations.

Results: Analysis was conducted on 300 completed surveys. 93% of respondents consider the device useful for diabetes management; 91% find it helps in more effectively managing therapy, while 88% report an improvement in health. 86% find it easy to learn how to use, and 93% plan to continue using it in the coming months. 74% believe the system to be highly reliable. The most recognized and utilized functions are data visibility on smartphones/receivers and glycaemic trend visibility. 70% of respondents express being “very or extremely satisfied” with the Dexcom ONE device experience (scoring 4/5), and 90% note a “positive or extremely positive” impact on their QoL from using the device.

Conclusions: In conclusion, usability and satisfaction levels have proven to be high among early adopters of the Dexcom ONE CGM system.


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How to Cite

Boaretto, A., & Pitocco, D. (2024). First experiences of using the Dexcom ONE CGM system: results from a national survey on the perception of early adopters. AboutOpen, 11(1), 69–76.



Original research articles


Received 2024-05-06
Accepted 2024-08-28
Published 2024-09-23
