The integrated care pathway for melanoma: the Istituto Dermopatico dell’Immacolata experience in Rome

Il percorso diagnostico terapeutico e assistenziale nella gestione del paziente con melanoma cutaneo: l’esperienza dell’IDI di Roma


  • Francesco Ricci Unità Operativa Funzionale del Melanoma, IDI-IRCCS, Roma - Italy
  • Alessio Caggiati Unità Operativa Complessa Chirurgia Plastica, IDI-IRCCS, Roma - Italy
  • Vincenzo Ziparo Unità Operativa Complessa Chirurgia Generale, IDI-IRCCS, Roma - Italy
  • Maurizio Elia Unità Operativa Complessa Chirurgia Generale, IDI-IRCCS, Roma - Italy
  • Giandomenico Russo Oncologia Molecolare, IDI-IRCCS, Roma - Italy
  • Stefania D'Atri Oncologia Molecolare, IDI-IRCCS, Roma - Italy
  • Cristina Maria Failla Immunologia Sperimentale, IDI-IRCCS, Roma - Italy
  • Annarita Panebianco Direzione Sanitaria, IDI-IRCCS, Roma - Italy
  • Giorgio Annessi Laboratorio di Istopatologia, IDI-IRCCS, Roma - Italy
  • Francesca Passarelli Laboratorio di Istopatologia, IDI-IRCCS, Roma - Italy
  • Marie Perez Laboratorio di Istopatologia, IDI-IRCCS, Roma - Italy
  • Tommaso Tartaglione Unità Operativa Complessa Radiologia e Diagnostica per Immagini, IDI-IRCCS, Roma - Italy
  • Giovanni Di Lella Day Surgery Dermatologico, IDI-IRCCS, Roma - Italy
  • Sabatino Pallotta Unità Operativa Complessa V Divisione Dermatologica, IDI-IRCCS, Roma - Italy
  • Cinzia Mazzanti Unità Operativa Complessa I Divisione Dermatologica, IDI-IRCCS, Roma - Italy
  • Maurizio Nudo Unità Operativa Semplice Chirurgia Dermatologica, IDI-IRCCS, Roma - Italy
  • Cristina Fortes Unità di Epidemiologia, Registri, Clinical Trial Center, Statistica, IDI-IRCCS, Roma - Italy
  • Damiano Abeni Unità di Epidemiologia, Registri, Clinical Trial Center, Statistica, IDI-IRCCS, Roma - Italy
  • Federica De Galitiis Unità Operativa Complessa Oncologia, IDI-IRCCS, Roma - Italy
  • Paolo Marchetti Oncologia Medica, Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”, Roma - Italy



Continuity of care, Integrated Care Pathway, Melanoma, Patient care


Introduction: The Integrated Care Pathway (ICP) represents a multidisciplinary outline of anticipated care, placed in an appropriate timeframe, to support patients with specific conditions or symptoms. The aim of this paper is to define the ICP for patients with melanoma referring to the “Istituto Dermopatico dell’Immacolata-IRCCS di Roma e Villa Paola” (“Center”).
Methods and results: A multidisciplinary group (oncologists, dermatologists, surgeons, pathologists etc.) was defined as well as a facilitator to act as a link between all experts. The first step of ICP development was a review of current practice for patients with melanoma referring to the Center. This first step had the scope to define the multidisciplinary process map (a “picture” of the care plan) for patients with melanoma. The process map defined: i) the activities performed during delivery of care to the patients, ii) the responsibilities for these activities and iii) potential problem areas or opportunities for improvements. The process map formed the basis of the final ICP document.
Conclusion: The adoption of melanoma ICP will allow the multidisciplinary group to ensure that clinical guidelines and available evidence are incorporated into everyday practice. (Oncology, HTA & Market Access)


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How to Cite

Ricci, F., Caggiati, A., Ziparo, V., Elia, M., Russo, G., D’Atri, S., Failla, C. M., Panebianco, A., Annessi, G., Passarelli, F., Perez, M., Tartaglione, T., Di Lella, G., Pallotta, S., Mazzanti, C., Nudo, M., Fortes, C., Abeni, D., De Galitiis, F., & Marchetti, P. (2019). The integrated care pathway for melanoma: the Istituto Dermopatico dell’Immacolata experience in Rome: Il percorso diagnostico terapeutico e assistenziale nella gestione del paziente con melanoma cutaneo: l’esperienza dell’IDI di Roma. AboutOpen, 5(1), 39–47.



Original research articles


Received 2019-05-13
Accepted 2019-05-22
Published 2019-06-07
