Disseminating science: an illustration of present and future scenarios





Academic communities, Open access publishing, Research communities, Science dissemination


The last years witnessed an unprecedented use of open access in scientific publishing to disseminate science beyond the border of the academic and research community. In this article, the classic paywall and the more recent open access scenario of publishing are summarized in four key images that may be helpful in illustrating opportunities and challenges for the researchers and academics. Combining their forces with institutions, journalists and life science executive to promote proper science and tackle pseudoscience should be a key priority for the next decade and beyond.


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The conversation. Academic rigour, journalistic flair. https://theconversation.com/covid-data-is-complex-and-changeable-expecting-the-public-to-heed-it-as-restrictions-ease-is-optimistic-164609. Accessed July 2021.

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How to Cite

Zuanetti, G. (2021). Disseminating science: an illustration of present and future scenarios. AboutOpen, 8(1), 71–73. https://doi.org/10.33393/ao.2021.2293
Received 2021-07-19
Accepted 2021-07-19
Published 2021-08-05
