The engagement in the complex structure of thoracic surgery of Trieste in a “Fast Track” surgery path (ERAS): how to promote the continuity of care after the discharge

L’engagement nella struttura complessa di chirurgia toracica di Trieste in un percorso di “Fast Track” chirurgico (ERAS): come favorire la continuità della presa in carico dopo la dimissione


  • Maurizio Cortale Direttore di Chirurgia Toracica, Azienda Sanitaria Universitaria Giuliano-Isontina (ASUGI), Trieste - Italy
  • Michela Grassi Coordinatrice di Chirurgia Toracica, Azienda Sanitaria Universitaria Giuliano-Isontina (ASUGI), Trieste - Italy
  • Vanessa Stemberger SID Coordinatrice Distretto 3, Azienda Sanitaria Universitaria Giuliano-Isontina (ASUGI), Trieste - Italy



Continuity of care, ERAS fast track, Patient engagement, Thoracic surgery


Introduction: This article describes the use of the PHE-Scale® as an engagement measuring tool in the hospital practice.

Methods: The Thoracic Surgery Complex Structure in the Trieste hospital has been using the surgical “Fast Track” since 2009, and since January 2017 it uses the PHE-Scale® to measure the level of engagement of the assisted patient.

Results and Conclusions: The PHE-Scale®, administered in this context, helps the healthcare professional to understand how the state of illness is differently experienced from patient to patient in relation to the level of engagement, the psychological characteristics of the person, the caregivers around him/her and the information that the patient has received from the whole healthcare team.


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How to Cite

Cortale, M., Grassi, M., & Stemberger, V. (2020). The engagement in the complex structure of thoracic surgery of Trieste in a “Fast Track” surgery path (ERAS): how to promote the continuity of care after the discharge: L’engagement nella struttura complessa di chirurgia toracica di Trieste in un percorso di “Fast Track” chirurgico (ERAS): come favorire la continuità della presa in carico dopo la dimissione. AboutOpen, 7(1), 43–45.



Patient engagement: the Trieste experience


Received 2020-04-08
Accepted 2020-04-17
Published 2020-08-03
