
AboutScience pubblica articoli scientifici peer-reviewed e indicizzati in modalità open access in diverse discipline con una particolare attenzione all'innovazione del settore healthcare. Il sistema di sottomissione, che è stato volutamente mantenuto semplice, consente una gestione snell ed efficiente che garantisce velocità di pubblicazione, uno dei requisiti chiave per la diffusione ottimale di nuovi contenuti.


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This open access journal publishes peer reviewed articles on clinical studies, real world evidence data, reviews, point of views, case series, and single clinical cases. The journal aim and scope encompasses clinical medicine, pharmacy, healthcare technology and other healthcare related disciplines with a focus on innovation in healthcare and policy. Articles may be in English, French, Italian and Spanish

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Global and Regional Health Technology Assessment

Health technology assessment (HTA) is a discipline in which global policies and guidelines are applied at regional level.  Global and Regional Health Technology Assessment (GRHTA) is an international, indexed, peer-reviewed, open access, online only journal, which aims to promote health technology assessment and economic evaluation globally and/or regionally,  supporting the decision-making process among alternative therapeutical approaches and technologies with different clinical and economic outcomes.

The journal focuses on the role of scientific and technological advancement in reaching higher healthcare standards and on the intrinsic limitations within each region in allocating resources in healthcare. These topics are of great relevance to the local academic communities and policymakers for their impact on healthcare governance in different countries.

The journal publishes new articles continuously, as soon as they are ready for publication to guarantee rapid and efficient publication times and a content distribution to its indexing databases and then collects them in a yearly issue.


Giornale di Clinica Nefrologica e Dialisi

Il Giornale di Clinica Nefrologica e Dialisi (GCND), precedentemente Giornale di Tecniche Nefrologiche e Dialitiche, pubblica su base continua e in modalità online-only articoli peer-reviewed di interesse per specialisti in nefrologia, infermieri di dialisi e trapianto, tecnici di dialisi, dietisti  e pazienti nefropatici.


Archives of Physiotherapy

Archives of Physiotherapy (AoP) is a diamond open access journal disseminating research covering all aspects of physiotherapy. Featured topics include clinical trials across various disability domains (musculoskeletal, neurological, cardio-pulmonary), diagnostic studies,  measurement-focused research, observational studies, prognostic investigations, qualitative studies, systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and case reports.

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Drug Targets Insights

Drug Target Insights is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal, covering current developments in all areas of the field of clinical therapeutics and focusing on molecular drug targets which include disease-specific proteins, receptors, enzymes, and genes. The journal seeks to elucidate the impact of new therapeutic agents on patient acceptability, preference, satisfaction and quality of life. The journal welcomes unsolicited article proposals. All articles are listed on PubMed and are freely available via PubMed Central.

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Journal of Circulating Biomarkers

Journal of Circulating Biomarkers is an international, peer-reviewed, open access scientific journal focusing on all aspects of the rapidly growing field of circulating blood-based biomarkers and diagnostics using circulating protein and lipid markers, circulating tumor cells (CTC), circulating cell-free DNA (cfDNA) and extracellular vesicles, including exosomes, microvesicles, microparticles, ectosomes and apoptotic bodies.

Cancer Breaking News

For the benefits of our readers, we host on this platform Cancer Breaking News, an open access peer reviewed journal promoting the debate and interaction between young physicians, leaders and qualified experts in oncology,  published from 2013 to 2017.