Hip microinstability and its association with femoroacetabular impingement: A scoping review
femoroacetabular impingement (FAI), hip impingement, hip microinstability, scoping reviewAbstract
Introduction: Hip microinstability has become a recognized cause of non-arthritic hip pain and disability in young patients. However, its pathophysiology remains unclear. We want to (1) present an overview of the evidence of hip microinstability and of its association with femoroacetabular impingement (FAI), (2) map out the type of evidence available, and (3) make recommendations for future research.
Methods: A deductive analysis and extraction method was used to extract information. In addition, diagnostic accuracy statistics were extracted or calculated.
Results: Of the 2,808 identified records, 123 were eligible for inclusion. Different definitions for microinstability exist. A standardized terminology and clear diagnostic criteria are lacking. FAI and microinstability may be associated and may aggravate each other. Conservative treatment strategies for FAI and microinstability are similar. The reported prevalence of microinstability in combination with FAI ranges from 21% to 42% in adults undergoing hip arthroscopy or magnetic resonance arthrography (MRA) of the hip.
Conclusion: Hip microinstability and FAI may be associated, occur together, or exacerbate each other. To better address this topic, a standardized terminology for microinstability is essential. Achieving consensus on physical examination and diagnosis is also necessary. Initial efforts to establish uniform diagnostic criteria have been made, but further work is needed. Specifically, randomized controlled trials are required to evaluate the effectiveness of training programmes aimed at reducing symptoms in individuals with microinstability, with or without FAI. Such studies will enable clinicians to manage microinstability with greater confidence within this context.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Rahel Caliesch, David Beckwée, Jan Taeymans, Joseph M Schwab, Thomas Renaud, Quentin Brossard, Roger Hilfiker

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Accepted 2024-07-08
Published 2024-08-01