About the journal

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Archives of Physiotherapy (AoP) is the official journal of the Italian Society of Physiotherapy (Società Italiana di Fisioterapia, SIF).

It is supported by:
the National Federation of Physiotherapy Orders (Federazione Nazionale Ordine Fisioterapisti, FNOFI),
the Italian Association of Physiotherapy (Associazione Italiana di Fisioterapia, AIFI),
the Italian Physioterapists Order- Lombardia (OFI) (Ordine Fiosioterapisti Lombardia, OFI),
the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana, SUPSI).

The journal was formally published under the title Italian Journal of Physiotherapy.

Articles published by AoP are made freely and permanently accessible online immediately upon publication, without subscription charges or registration barriers. Full information on the open access policy can be found here.

Archives of Physiotherapy adopts a double-blind peer review process, where both the identify of reviewers and of the authors are not known to each other. Full details on the peer review process and editorial policies can be found here.

Authors retain the copyright of their article published in Archives of Physiotherapy are free to reproduce and disseminate their work. Full details can be found here.

Articles in Archives of Physiotherapy are published as soon as they receive final approval from the authors and are assigned page numbers.

Article citations follow this format:
Authors. Title. Arch Physiother [year], [volume number]:[firstpage-lastpage].