Neurological conditions and community-based physical activity: physical therapists’ belief and actions


  • Louise Declerck Neuromusculoskeletal Lab, Institut de Recherche Expérimentale et Clinique, UCLouvain, Brussels - Belgium
  • Mathilde Gillot Neuromusculoskeletal Lab, Institut de Recherche Expérimentale et Clinique, UCLouvain, Brussels - Belgium
  • Charlotte Goffaux Neuromusculoskeletal Lab, Institut de Recherche Expérimentale et Clinique, UCLouvain, Brussels - Belgium
  • Jean-François Kaux ReFORM IOC Research Centre for Prevention of Injury and Protection of Athlete Health, Liège - Belgium and Physical Medicine and Sport Traumatology Department, SportS2, FIFA Medical Centre of Excellence, FIMS Collaborative Centre of Sports Medicine, University and University Hospital of Liege, Liège - Belgium
  • Gaetan Stoquart Neuromusculoskeletal Lab, Institut de Recherche Expérimentale et Clinique, UCLouvain, Brussels - Belgium and Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Department, Cliniques Universitaire Saint-Luc, Brussels - Belgium



Health promotion, Neurological rehabilitation, Physical activity, Physical therapists


Introduction: Physical therapists (PTs) are key actors in physical activity (PA) promotion. However, it remains unclear whether PTs in community settings promote community-based PA such as adapted physical activity (APA) and adaptive sports (AS) to their patients with neurological conditions (NCs). The main purposes were to evaluate the beliefs PTs have of APA and AS, and to explore actions they undertake to promote it to their patients with NCs.

Methods: An online survey was created specifically for the study. PT associations and institutions were contacted and licensed PTs working in community-based settings, treating at least one patient with a NC, were invited to participate. Questionnaires were analyzed only if all mandatory questions had been answered.

Results: A total of 165 questionnaires were analyzed. PTs reported prioritizing active treatment. They viewed APA and AS as beneficial for their patients with NCs; however, its promotion remained largely infrequent due to a number of barriers. The PTs’ own level of PA seemed to significantly influence their beliefs of the benefits of APA and AS (p = 0.001), while being specialized in neurologic physical therapy enabled the PTs to increase frequency of promotion (p = 0.003).

Conclusion: Though community-based PTs are aware of the importance of PA for individuals with NCs, they face difficulties in promoting it to their patients. However, these difficulties are reduced among PTs who are specialized in neurologic physical therapy. Efforts should be made toward educating PTs to neurological pathologies and their specificities when it comes to PA.


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How to Cite

Declerck, L., Gillot, M., Goffaux, C., Kaux, J.-F., & Stoquart, G. (2024). Neurological conditions and community-based physical activity: physical therapists’ belief and actions. Archives of Physiotherapy, 14(1), 70–79.



Original Research Article


Received 2023-11-22
Accepted 2024-09-05
Published 2024-09-30
